It's been a beautiful summer here at
Masterworks Studios and as September arrives it is still warm but the season is definitely winding down. Leaves are turning colors and although we can still hear various bird babies calling parents from their hidden perches in our giant cedars, all of them have left the nest. Looking back over the season one of our most joyful bird memories was the day John decided to turn over the old cement birdbath we had down at the Studios many years ago, scrub it out and fill it up with some refreshing cool water. It did not take more than an hour before a few of the little bluebird babies from an early nesting were enjoying a nice bath! Many birds have enjoyed it since including these two big fat robins that took a dip just yesterday.

We have provided water to the birds for several years in a heated "bath" close to the house but the birds do not visit it nearly as much or seem to enjoy it as much as this little retreat out in the more secluded "woodsy" area of our property. We may have to consider adding a heater to this special little watering hole over the winter!
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