In central Missouri bluebirds are well into their second nesting and at MasterWorks Studios we have been blessed with bluebirds nesting in various places on our property since we moved to the area twelve years ago. Especially enjoyable is a pair that selects a spot in the corner of our vegetable garden where this "barnacle house" is posted. The birds do overwinter in the area but we don't start seeing them on a regular basis until March or April when they start making irregular visits to the house to claim it as their official spot for each upcoming season. By mid April they are usually starting to build thier nest and by sometime in May they are busy sitting on eggs and eventually feeding babies. Some years we have been lucky enough to see the sweet little baby heads peek out before their first flight out of the nest but this year this first group must have been a strong little flock. Before we knew it they were up in trees testing their wings and discovering the big world while all the time staying close to Mom & Dad in hopes of keeping their regular insect "deliveries". Bluebird parents are very serious though about the cutting apron strings and getting started on second and third nestings each season. They can sometimes be what seems a little rude to their young as they chase them away after teaching them all the required survival skills.
This year however John observed a different twist on the routine. From his shop window he could observe this gourd house we had put up over the winter and for several days noticed bluebird activity. We assumed a new pair of birds were about to start a nest but after closer observation realized it was the same pair from our garden site luring their young to the shelter as if trying to find them a little "apartment" where they could feel safe and rest - a little "home away from home". The babies actually did go in a couple times while Mom and Dad went ahead with their second nesting back at the house.
Next week: More Bluebird Nesting Surprises
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